This is a more important topic than many realize. Many, including some of my friends, are going to HATE what I write here; REGARDLESS: It is fact! Depending on how much one is committed to the traditions of man that are contrary to Scripture, or not - they'll either reject or receive this. 

As we move more into these End-Times: Over the last few years there are now countless teachings, on pretty much every subject, that are full of errors, half-truths, or even complete lies. Sometimes these things come about from sincere people simply repeating incorrect things that they've heard as though they were facts; others times the motives are more sinister and agenda based. - One of these important matters that needs to be addressed is concerning the various conflicting teachings on "Rosh Chodesh / The New-Moon". Rosh Chodesh is more important than you may at first think. I believe that part of the reason for the confusion that has sprung up over the last few years concerning it, is from the enemies' attempt to cloud the set & established Moadim/(The Appointed Times) of YHVH, and to veil the wonders in the heavens that are associated with them...which are to be witnessing signs to a dying world. Another reason for all of the sharp division on this subject that’s been increasing, is the enemy trying to sow discord in the camp – just like with all the arguments on the “Rapture”; One-House/Two-House/Duplex; & etc. (fill in the blank); and on and on it goes ! Now some people’s answer to this division, is to simply ignore the issues, and instead endorse the idea of everyone doing their own thing. – While this is fine in disputable dogmatic matters (Romans 14); it becomes more of a serious issue when these contentions involve the Moadim/(Appointed times) & Observances given in YHVH’s Word. – And while someone holding a minority view in these matters (even when incorrect) is their problem/business -(since we still, for the time being anyway, have the right to be wrong in this country – Oy!), yet it suddenly becomes everyone’s problem when these minority factions insist that they alone are right, and then attempt to impose their traditions and commentaries on the Body of Messiah as a whole – and then that wrong attitude is further compounded when those stances they’re trying to impose are obviously and demonstrably shown by fact as being in error, whether they are willing to admit it or now their contentions have crossed over into seeking to cause division and introduce error into the Body of Messiah. – Simply allowing this to fester without addressing it, is not the answer – ignoring a problem is most often not the correct way of dealing with it. (And two of the very worst offender groups are those who militantly insist the calendar of the Bible is an Enochian/solar one; and those who insist that Shabbat is re-set with each new moon...those that falsely say the Shabbat is not every 7th day from Friday sundown through Saturday sundown! - Those two views are so obviously false and divisive, that I won't even take the time to address them here - and will focus instead on the Biblical lunar calendar.).

The very FIRST thing that we as Believers MUST do is to place what Scripture says (Tanakh & Brit HaChadashah / O.T. & N.T.) as our first and foremost Authority over our walk and life, and That far above ALL commentaries of man. - The surviving writings & views of the Sadduceean & their splinter groups (including Essenes/Qumran, and the quite a bit later Karaites), and the writings & views of the Pharisees (which also had factions within it, mainly such as the Houses both of Hillel & Shammai), are just that, ‘commentary’. - And the more you look into it, the more you’ll note that pretty much none of these groups agree with each other on all kinds of issues, and are often not even agreeing among themselves in their own group (such as the minority and majority opinions in Talmud, the sharp disagreements between the Houses of Hillel and Shammai; and the disputes between the various Sadduceean/priestly-based groups; and etc..) Now some tend to think of the Talmud as a final authority on Biblical Judaism, when in reality it is the writings of a quite small in numbers group that survived the 1st century A.D. destruction of Jerusalem. Even though they did play an important role during LATE Biblical times, they were by no means the only authority at that time. Now, if you go by their own historical writings (Agada) you’d think they go back to the time of Elijah, or even earlier; but in reality both they (as the Parush party), and all the other Judaic factions, started to form as distinct groups beginning from the time under the Hasmonean dynasty (140–37 B.C.) in the wake of the Maccabean Revolt – so all these factions being late comers in the History of Biblical Israel from Moses on. Before this time, the halacha/rites of the Temple were only under the administration of the Cohanim/(Priests), as the Sanhedrin back then was not so much of a political body as it later became, but was more just a judicial body, as it was first set up by Moses to be. – Now part of the problem today is, when you read each of these factions writings, you’re tempted to think: ‘I’ve finally found the truth! These were the enlightened ones!’...but that’s just what each group is trying to portray themselves as; but the reality is different. For example the Talmud comes across as the House of Hillel being like 99% correct on everything; but part of the reason for this is that after the time of the Resurrection of Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus), the House of Hillel had a heated argument one day with the House of Shammai in the Sanhedrin, and during the fight that broke out, the House of Hillel killed off all of the House of Shammai ! Needless to say then, the later Talmudic commentary is most favorable to Hillel ! So then the surviving Pharisees of the House of Hillel went on to be the start of what became modern Rabbinic Judaism; and so here we are today. Now, there ARE some important things that are preserved for us from the early Rabbinic writings-(and the earlier the better, as there are some things written by the early ‘sages’ during the Biblical era that are quite valuable; whereas some of the other factions commentaries/writings, such as from the more later occurring Karaite movement, have less worth in that context.), important things in regards to some of both Halacha-(interpretive law), and Agada-(legends/history), including customs and history that are in accord with Written Scripture. However: There are also many things that are invalid, inaccurate, including some things that are in complete discord with Torah/Tanakh and are very bad and will send you down a wrong road quick! So the bottom line is: While there is a portion of value in what all of these factions have preserved for us in their writings, yet they ALL must be treated ONLY as commentary, and as a DISTANT secondary to YHVH’s Written Word. –(I've given this brief overview as it will figure in later on in this article). So it’s a very important thing to note that during the 1st Century A.D. Judaism in Israel was just as fractured with all those various groups, even as ‘Messianic/Hebraic-roots’-Judaism has become today over the last few years. But their sharp divisions started about a century and a half before Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) birth; while our increasingly woeful divisions have only been going on for the last few years…let’s pray that this ceases before Messiah comes back !

--> [PLEASE NOTE: One of the premises given and outlined in this article is that the Hebrew calendar that's used by Israel today, which was from calculations done by Hillel II, is far closer to the Biblical (& creation lunar conjunction New-Moon based) calendar used in Biblical era Israel, than is the Karaite-(or even any other early minority calendar method). The current Hebrew calendar, (excepting for their occasional 'postponement rule'), uses a very accurate Mean Conjunction calculation, (verses an Astronomical Conjunction), and then it sets Rosh Chodesh (Day 1) at the earliest possible time that the moon could be seen from Jerusalem Israel following that conjunction...and in so doing it has placed the 1st of the months pretty much inside of a 24 hour window of the actual creation lunar conjunctions. - Whereas the Karaite calendar varies at least 1 day, and often even more days, beyond this...and so it can be quite far removed from the actual Rosh Chodesh, New/Conjunction Moon, that YHVH made in creation. - Is the current Hebrew calendar perfect? No: But while there were various calendars available that smaller groups were using in the 1st Century A.D.; yet: Yeshua and the Disciples went instead by the main calendar system that was being used by the Nation of Israel at that time, and so should we go by the main system used today...And especially so in this case since, (short of everyone agreeing to use an Astronomical Conjunction calendar), the modern Hebrew/Israeli calendar is closer to the literal Peshat understanding of the verses concerning Rosh Chodesh in Tanakh, than is the Karaite, or any other minority system, that these smaller groups would try and insist we must use.]

We've already discussed several aspects of this in some depth in prior notes/studies-(see links below); but let's first examine this in an overview from a literal and plain reading of Scripture, as well as circumspectly looking at it based on observable FACTS, and in a historical context...

Paul speaks in Colossians 2:16 of the New-Moon/(Rosh Chodesh), along with the Biblical Holy Day Festivals of YHVH (re: The Fall Feasts), as being: (Prophetic)-"shadows of things TO COME". While Rosh Chodesh is not one of the main Festivals of YHVH given in Torah; yet He accords it much importance in Scripture...So much so that it is a given requirement for all people (including the goyim/gentiles) during the 1000 year Reign of Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) upon the earth...

"And it shall come to pass, that from one New Moon to another, and from one Shabbat/(Sabbath) to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith YHVH/(the LORD)." - Isa.66:23.

It is a delight and liberty to observe and partake in the Moadim and Observances of YHVH that He's given us in Scripture. - But this takes a sharp digression into the profane when any human or small group, emboldens themselves to think that they alone have been given the (self)-appointed task of moving the literal set times of the Moadim that have already been built and established into the very fabric of creation by YHVH, by using their man-made traditions that even contradict Scripture ! Appearing as though YHVH should have to wait on them, and expecting that the whole world should be held in suspense until they speak !

The “Appointed Time” first of all speaks of the ACTUAL physical creation event that IS ALREADY a reality; but then one looking for these “Appointed Times” to a degree involves man’s calculations of when those events are. – And that is where the error begins: When some give their own notions contrary to Scripture concerning the ‘Appointed Times’, and on how they say these things should be determined.

Since ancient Biblical times Rosh-Chodesh has always been understood by the Jewish people to mean both ‘the New-Moon’ and ‘the (fixed) 1st day of each month’; yet today you’ll hear various notions from groups trying to tell you what they say “Rosh Chodesh” should mean. Some of the teachings they give are very lengthy and verbose, even seemingly valid as they quote (supposedly) scholarly-sounding texts and from ancient writings. And there are various ancient quotations on CONFLICTING lunar and solar calendar systems that different groups have used in the past. - But does YHVH Himself define for us in Scripture very exactly and precisely just what is Rosh Chodesh (the New Moon), which is the FIXED & ESTABLISHED 1st day of His Biblical lunar creation calendar months? – YES! - And He does so in a way which can’t be mistaken, and He even relates it for us to the Holy Day of Yom HaTeruah-(the Biblical Festival of YHVH of Trumpets / Rosh-HaShannah), so we won’t miss its significance/application!...

Blow the ram’s horn at the new moon, at the covered in darkness (hidden) moon, on our feast day.” – Psalms 81:3 (NOTE: This is a literal Hebrew reading. – There’s a more detailed study on this found in the links at the end of this article).

But some will still say: Even if this is a definition of what the New-Moon actually is, don’t we still have to wait until we see a sliver-crescent before we can declare and know what the first day of the next month actually is? – NO ! Scripture again plainly states in the Peshat otherwise, when It shows what day will be Rosh Chodesh (The New Moon, the 1st day of the Biblical month) BEFORE it actually arrives!...

And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, TO MORROW is the New Moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.” – 1Samuel 20:5.

Then Jonathan said to David, TO MORROW is the New Moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.” – 1Samuel 20:18.

The 1st day of the Biblical months are already ESTABLISHED, they already exist! Any confirmation of the appointed times does NOT move the appointed times themselves, and so they are only a backwards-confirmation, and should NEVER be a forward marker for moving the 1st day of the months! - How is yet another way we can know this? – YHVH Himself built into the creation two witnesses (that are also noted as wonders in Scripture) that are self-correcting indicators that show if your ‘traditional’ calendars are correct or not: A Solar Eclipse can ONLY happen on a New-Moon (conjunction moon, Rosh-Chodesh) – PERIOD! If your calendar is a day off from this event being noted on the 1st of the month –then it is in error– PERIOD! For if you’ve seen a full Solar Eclipse you actually HAVE JUST WITNESSED a New-Moon! The second witness is: A ‘Blood Red Moon’ (full lunar eclipse) which can ONLY happen on the exact center (15th) of a lunar month. When YHVH says to observe a Festival on the 15th of a month He means the exact center of a lunar month, not X number of days(s) later. If your calendars note a Blood-Red full lunar eclipse happening on a different date...then they are to one degree or another in error- PERIOD!

(NOTE: There are other observable clear indications of the New-Moon too: A New-Moon can be seen, as documented in modern times, as early as 14.75+ hours from its being 100% “New”, and so before a next 24 hour day ‘sliver’. – ALSO: A final waning ‘sliver/crescent’ occurs on the day BEFORE a New-Moon, and can show, if in accord with the calculations, that the next night is to be Rosh-Chodesh).

And so why then is this VERY important to understand?...Not only because it says in Scripture for example: “He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.” – Ps.104:19; but also because Eclipses (solar, blood-red/lunar) are spoken of in Scripture prophetically as being End-Time wonders and warnings signs to a dying world of coming Judgment: (Isaiah 13:10; Joel 2:31; Luke 21:25; Acts 2:20; & etc..). – The EXTREME problem arises then if one incorrectly follows a sighted-crescent/sliver moon to set a random 1st day of the month, so that the ‘wonders’ established during the creation in the heavens that fall on FIXED Biblical Holy Days, will NEVER happen on them, as your calendar falsely moves YHVH’s Holy Days from the Rosh Chodesh (1st day of the month) of the actual creation lunar calendar, to a different day each month, and in so doing ignores the commands of when to do the 15th day Moadim, since you having moved the days of the actual creation lunar month (always by at least a day or often even more!) - so that any sign from YHVH will have been made of no effect since their not being noted by you on those days, due to your following traditions that contradiction the plain meaning of Scripture! Eclipses have been noted by ancient historians as having happened on significant events with prophetic implications in the past. - Now much of the world in general knows something about the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar-(more on this a little later); and so if a ‘wonder’ as mentioned in Scripture happens on a Biblical Holy Day (as they have in the past and are coming up in the future); then people can take note and reflect, and perhaps see what’s been happening that’s related to prophecy, and see what appears to be coming up, and so perhaps they may repent. – But if they’re waiting on the confirmation of some obscure group to tell them (INCORRECTLY) when the Holy Days will be, then the sign is veiled, as the actual Holy Days have been clouded by the confusion of your traditions!

Rosh Chodesh speaks of a going forth from darkness unto light, in that when a conjunction/new moon begins on the center of that same day to start leaving being 100% dark, it is now entering into light. Fitting then for the Biblical months (such as Aviv/Nissan the 1st of the Biblical prophetic calendar year; and Yom-HaTeruah/Rosh-HaShannah) to begin with this ACTUAL event of creation. - The length of time from one lunar conjunction (Rosh Chodesh / New Moon) to the next is: 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 3.33 seconds. This calculation has been known and used since ancient times. The calculations used in the current Israeli/Hebrew calendar for the New-Moon are a Mean Lunation Length, which was also used by Ptolemy and handed down from much earlier, which is still very accurate: ca. 29.530594 days vs. a present value of 29.530589 days. - This difference of only 0.0000005, or five millionths of a day, adds up to about only 4 hours since Babylonian times! This calendar then notes the scientific lunar conjunction time length (hence: fairly closely reflecting the ACTUAL NEW MOON AND BEGINNING OF THE LUNAR MONTHS) for the 1st day of each month, and so it doesn't just add non-existent days to the prior month, nor is it removing actual existing days (one or even more) from the start of every lunar month; but the sighted sliver/crescent Karaite calendar does so, being contrary and in error. (However: The modern Hebrew/Israeli calendar does at times use a postponement rule, which causes a digression of a day from the creation lunar calendar, which myself and others are not pleased with, as then it's also not in accord, for example, with the literal day that Yom Kippur should be on. But it's still closer to the creation lunar calendar than the Karaite is; even though it is using a Mean Conjunction calculation verses an Astronomical Conjunction.)

So if we know the exact time why should one still bother to go out and look for the moon at its appointed time? Various reasons why: What if the calculations were lost during some time period or anther in Biblical times; or what if the copy of the calculations one had might have been copied wrong. And since the observance of Rosh Chodesh involves the moon phase, seeing the moon is a part of that celebration. Yet: Sighting/confirming the New-Moon does NOT change the starting 1st days of the created lunar months! Part of some peoples misunderstanding of this is perhaps based on interjecting too much notion into what the Rabbinic literature says:

"…While the early Mishnah writings talks about 'witnesses', it doesn't specifically 100% say that their account is necessarily ADDING non-existent days to the prior month, nor SUBTRACTING days of YHVH's set lunar creation month -(but that is not so with the later Tal. Tractate commentary however). In the Mishnah (Not counting where it says: "when time was lacking for the ceremony...the following day became the new moon..."); the text does seems to indicate that the literal actual Mean Conjunction date itself is also 'sanctified'; as we read @ Rosh HaShannah 2:7/(Neusner): "...c.) Whether it appears in the expected time or does not appear in the expected time, they sanctify it. d.) R. Eleazar b. R. Sondoq says, "If it did NOT appear in the expected time, they do NOT sanctify it, FOR HEAVEN HAS ALREADY DECLARED IT SANCTIFIED." - Which R.Ele. in saying indicates that yet it IS sanctified if it is "in the expected time"...and so... speaks of a backwards marker of the day of the month, NOT a forward 1st of the month whenever it happens to be sighted - one, two (a week?!) later! - But in looking at this: I don't see anything, from Mishnah (which is a close to Biblical era Rabbinic writing), that says a month will not begin until a human has sighted a sliver - and it seems to even imply that by their witness they testify that a new/dark moon HAD happened. FURTHERMORE: Besides the fact there is NO Sanhedrin operating in this capacity in Israel today; the methods we have recorded for various groups, such as the Sadducees, Qumran, and the neo-Kararites, don't even agree 100% amongst themselves. – But what we DO have is the simple plain clear Peshat Mitzvout of Torah, which are made of no effect if the traditions of man ignore the actual physical New Moons starting the months that YHVH built into creation (and so then also violating the 15th day Moadim which are also built into the very fabric of creation in a set-time, immovable in the lunar calendar months.) In the later post Temple/Biblical-era there are a few comments in the Talmudic Tractate commentary to Mishnah Rosh HaShannah that indicate a next day was used, if it was deemed possible the moon could also have appeared on that day; but even then there's a statement (Speaking of the 29th days of Adar & Elul): "...If, however, the court sanctified the moon at the conclusion of the twenty-ninth day, as we have explained, and the messengers heard the court pronounce it sanctified..." - And being as that lunar months are 29.5 days long, and with them recorded here as having sanctifying the 29th day of a 29 day month, it would seem to again indicate possibly a backwards confirmation - as a full sliver/crescent being seen on the 29th would not seem very likely at all. And even if they are adding in that case, they speak of having a cut-off of the last day a New Moon could possibly be seen (whether its seen or not). But keep in mind that much of the Talmudic Tractate commentary is also speaking on what was done post-Temple and post-Mishnah, and much of it too is commentary about times prior to the Hillel II calendar. And remember that we DO know that in King David's time they DID know BEFOREHAND when Rosh Chodesh was coming and was to be celebrated! - Is the modern Hebrew/Israeli calendar perfect in all regards? No; but it is far closer (even in using a Mean Conjunction calculation +X-hours, verses an Astronomical Conjunction) to reflecting the Biblical lunar creation calendar, than is the Karaite calendar method...which pretty much would never recognize a short 29 day in length lunar month, since they start counting with the sighted crescent (verses the x-hours past a Mean Conjunction calculation of the New-Moon, which the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar uses, and which does recognize fixed 29 & 30 day length months) ..."

Once again: The above Rabbinic commentary is just that – commentary. Some of it is concerning halacha that had developed centuries after the destruction of the Temple, when the Talmud(s) were written down. If, (or even when), they ‘added days’ to the fixed months, after sighting a sliver-crescent moon, in the centuries following 70 A.D. (or even if they did that before before that time); that is not our primary consideration in these matters….For one thing we know for sure is that they ceased doing that after the time of Hillel II with the calendar we still have today. HOWEVER: As we've seen, the Tanakh clearly shows that they DID know exactly when Rosh Chodesh was and when to celebrate it BEFORE it happened! – And Tanakh/(Scripture) alone is our PRIMARY source, standard, and guide in all matters. Now some commentary says that the reason they knew BEFOREHAND during King David’s time, but that then the situation later changed, was due to YHVH changing the planetary alignment later during King Hezekiah’s reign -(when the sundial shadow return backward ten degrees – 2Ki.20:9-11). Now while that is an interesting thought, that is STILL COMMENTARY! We don’t know if that is a factual reason or not, and there’s nothing in Tanakh/(Scripture) to say that was the reason that ‘supposedly’ they now no longer knew the correct time beforehand, nor is there anything that suggests the fixed rotation of the moon around the earth changed when the sundial returned backwards 10 degrees – that’s all speculation, and I might add that suggested reason given in commentaries is merely an excuse; why? – Because one very logical assumption is that the various factions/groups, that had formed from the Maccabean time on, were arguing and posturing in and out of the Sanhedrin to position themselves into a place of authority and self-importance, with each of their groups trying to impose their methods on determining the Modaim, calendar, and observances for the House of Israel! – Much like what we’re seeing today happening from various groups in the Messianic/Hebrew-roots movement! – And actually that premise can be demonstrated when one examines all of the various writings of these early factions/groups, and their disagreements, regarding their individual calendars and methods of determining the Moadim. – And so it appears this is also sadly happening today! 

– NOW: The good news is, that following the destruction of the Temple later on when Hillel II started the calendar that Israel used thereafter and on till today, we now have a method that is being used by MOST Jewish people and Messianic groups, that is actually fairly accurate to the actual Rosh Chodesh literal/conjunction moon. – And as mentioned earlier: While it uses a Mean Conjunction Scientific calculation for determining the 1st of the months (with the exception of when the Postponement rule is used), instead of an Astronomical Conjunction, and even though it then sets the time forward just over 17 hours from that Mean Conjunction for the start of Rosh Chodesh, yet this most often gives us a 1st of the month within about a 24 hour window, give or take, from the actual event. – Far more accurate the the Kararite movement is doing (which can end up quite far removed from the actual Rosh Chodesh); and so I’d note the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar is more in line with the plain Peshat reading of Scripture in these matters, and since it is using a fixed Rosh-Chosesh (verses a floated sighting) it is also more in align with the fact Scripture very clearly says they KNEW BEFOREHAND the day of Rosh Chodesh and when to celebrate it. 

– So again, to conclude and restate this point: Short of getting everyone in the world to agree to some sort of an Astronomical Conjunction calendar: The modern Hebrew/Israeli calendar is the closest we have today to the Biblical lunar calendar YHVH intended. And since that is also the norm and what is in use by most today, that is what we should stick with for our observances, so as to be in a timely accord wherever we may be. – Now if someone wants to also use another method for themselves (even if that minority method is in error), fine – let they do so. – BUT: I’d suggest that they don’t slight and ignore the literal readings of Scripture and the Conjunction moons and those who go by them…which includes those of us who go by the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar, since most of the time that calendar aligns in that way as well. – Don’t cause division with your trying to impose your minority stances on the Body of Messiah in issues of this nature, even if you feel your stances are right (whether you’re right or not)…Perhaps consider your keeping of “both” – your personal tradition, along with celebrating the Moadim with the rest of the Body who’s not following what you’re doing. – REGARDLESS: May this cease to be an issue of spiritual pride and confusion!

[NOTE: While many would like you to believe that the neo-Karaites are “directly” from the original Sopherim &/or the Sadducees; yet the Karaism movement didn’t really begin to solidify until the 4th Century A.D. & later, one of its main premises being an anti-Pharisee party. While some of their writings are interesting in their debates against the Rabbis, some others are obviously wrong in their understanding of Torah. – For example: The debate with the Pharisee/Rabbinic Jews in saying that Torah forbids a fire to burn over into Shabbat (hence their adding to the plain command of Torah to only refrain from “kindling” a fire on Shabbat) so that they (the Karaism) would sit in the dark in their homes and Synagogues on Shabbat.-(See more on this in the Kararite Anthology / Yale Press; and in Rabbinic commentary on the Karaism.) – HOWEVER: At this point you might want to be asking yourself: Why would a small group of obscure Jews, who DENY that Yeshua is the Messiah, be so interested in establishing Messianic’s halacha, observances, and even in trying to tell you what the New Testament Scriptures should actually mean, according to them. – MORE importantly: WHY WOULD YOU EVEN LET THEM?!]

One will see for different reasons/situations a Rosh Chodesh II sometimes in the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar too; but what one will NOT see are those moving around YHVH’s 1st days of the months like some kind of a 'three-shell-Monte'! Blowing a shofar at the sighting of a sliver-crescent moon on the closing of Rosh Chodesh as a confirmation of the prior New-Moon is one thing; but anyone falsely thinking that they can move YHVH’s ordained and established Moadim for the entire world, based on some small groups traditions they alone are using, is another!

From now on whenever you see the moon, my hope is you may see it a little less obscured by the clouds of confusion, as we contemplate what HaAdonai YHVH Elohim speaks to us in His Word…

Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the BEGINNING OF YOUR MONTHS, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your Elohim/(God): I am YHVH/(the LORD) your Elohim/(God)." – Numbers 10:10.



ROSH CHODESH (New Moon) - & on Rosh Chodesh I & II -

ECLIPSES: Rosh Chodesh & 15th Day Moadim -

Yom-HaTeruah / Day Of Trumpets - Rosh Chodesh (7th month)-Tishrei 1 / Rosh HaShanah - 

This article also contains some related material ~ Some Thoughts On The Issue Of Calendars:

This note attached to this photo also contains some related material ~ THE END OF THE AGE/DAYS…Where Are We At? ~ Where Are We Headed?...END-TIME EVENTS, SIGNS, & TRIBULATION-TIMELINE COMPLIED FACTS:

This note attached to this photo also contains some related material ~ CHART OF COMING 'SIGNS IN THE SKY':


NASA: Phases of the Moon: 2001 to 2025

NASA Eclipse Web Site


2013 April 25 — Partial Eclipse of the Moon

2013 May 9-10 — Annular Eclipse of the Sun

2013 May 25 — Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon

2013 Oct. 18-19 — Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon 

2013 Nov. 03 — Total Eclipse of the Sun


2014 April 15 — Total Eclipse of the Moon

2014 April 29 — Annular Eclipse of the Sun

2014 Oct. 8 — Total Eclipse of the Moon

2014 Oct. 23 — Partial Eclipse of the Sun


2015 March 20 — Total Eclipse of the Sun 

2015 April 4 — Total Eclipse of the Moon

2015 Sept. 13 — Partial Eclipse of the Sun

2015 Sept. 28 — Total Eclipse of the Moon


Prophetic & Biblical End-Time Events...
(FaceBook URL): 
THE END OF THE AGE/DAYS…Where Are We At? ~ Where Are We Headed?...


A Brief study compiled using a variety of sources, outlining mainly observable End-Time events/facts, that you can also research and study more on for yourself…

There are several well known people who have written and produced articles and videos on the End-Times as of late, that have revealed and brought to light several facts that were either just recently discovered that Prophecy in Scripture talks about that were always there but were somewhat overlooked, or else their significance was not fully known and realized until now.

In this brief article I’ll try and compile these findings into an outline, and then give the source materials so you can research all of this more in depth if you’d like. All of these individual points by themselves are amazing enough, but when compiled and viewed together in one sitting, it’s mind-blowing ! While there is much more that could be stated than is in this overview; yet to put some of these things into perspective…


1.) The 9/11 (& ongoing) Harbinger warnings to the U.S.A. of Judgment.
2.) Solar & Lunar Eclipses since 2000 on events of significant Biblical prophetic implications (prior to the upcoming 2014/2015 TETRAD).
3.) Increase in signs and events in the Heavens, and in Earth, in relation to Biblical prophecy.
4.) The dividing of Israel/Jerusalem, in the U.N. declaring Palestine a nation on Nov.29th 2012, exactly 65 years to the date from when the U.N. had voted in a “decree that went forth: of “Partition” allowing for the State of Israel to be born.
5.) The beginning of what appears to be perhaps the Isaiah 17:1 war in Syria, and the aligning of the Nations mentioned in Ps.83 & Ez.38-39.
6.) The upcoming 2014/2015 TETRAD Blood-Red-Moon full lunar eclipses on Biblical Holy Days of YHVH (and also coming Solar eclipses on significant dates).

First of all: ONLY YHVH fully knows exactly how everything that is prophesied in Scripture will be brought to pass. And while Scripture says we don’t know the ‘day nor the hour’, yet it also says we can/will know of the time of their coming and when they are nigh, even at the doors. What’s also interesting, is that those who have shared on this subject, in their looking at it from Scripture, have often come up with the same general dates even though from different approaches; although some of them ascribe various different Biblical events that they suggest might be associated with those dates. – Let’s look at these more closely…

Let’s start with Mark Biltz’s discovery which many are familiar with of the TETRAD Eclipses. On him seeing the photo taken over the Temple Mount on 2-20-2008 showing a ‘Blood-Red-Moon’ total lunar solar eclipse over Jerusalem, he then wondered if there could be a correlation between eclipses and the prophecy in Acts 2:20 in relation to the Biblical Holy Days of YHVH. He looked up the NASA records for eclipses and discovered that amazingly that was indeed the case. A TETRAD is a rare event of four Total lunar (Blood-Red) eclipses in a row, he then further noted that for a TETRAD to fall on Biblical Holy Days is an EXTREMELY rare event. – This has only happened since the 14th century A.D. on the Biblical Holy Days of the Hebrew/Biblical calendar years corresponding/overlapping the Gregorian calendar years of: 1492 (when the Jews were kicked out of Spain & Columbus discovered America); 1948 (when Israel became a nation again as was prophesied); and in 1967 (when Israel re-took the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, the Temple Mount having been destroyed in 70 A.D.) ! And such a TETRAD is again coming up in 2014/2015 !
Mark Biltz also points out that: Sir Isaac Newton in the latter part of his life studied the prophecies in the Book of Daniel. Newton stated that when Daniel mentions the times as “seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks” in connection to “the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince” -&- “the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.”…that the 62 weeks-(of years) refers to Messiah’s first coming, and that the 7 weeks (49 years) refers to His second coming. What’s interesting then is that from the very day that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were re-taken by Israel on June 7th 1967, based on a 360 day prophetic calendar year and figuring in leap-years, it brings us to: Those 49 years (7 ‘weeks’) spoken of in Daniel 9:25 ending exactly on the Bible Holy Day of YHVH of Yom Kippur in 2015 ! -(This entire subject is treated more in depth in the video/article links at the end of this article.)
- Yet another group has noted that while the above is indeed the case; that Joel 2:31 indicates that these things (“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood”) happen BEFORE “the great and the terrible day of YHVH/(the-LORD) come.”. – And that this, taken together with the statement in Mark 13:24-26 “the sun shall be darkened”-(the choice of the word ‘darkened’ here and in Is.13:10, rather than saying completely dark, is speaking of a partial solar eclipse rather than a full one), together with “the moon shall not give her light”-(see in Mark 13, and again in Is.13…’not give her light’ indicating a ‘new-moon’ rather than a lunar eclipse). And then also noting that in the fall of the year is when 30 constellations drop below the horizon and no longer give their light (see Isaiah 13:10. – While also understanding that prophecies can have more than one perhaps there being both a literal falling of “stars”, as well as a falling of the stars-constellations below the horizon{?}: As we do see such dual prophecy fulfillments, for example with both the ‘abomination of desolation’ and Elijah, each having more than one appearance.) – And so in their considering all of the above: They see Messiah’s Second Coming as being on the Biblical Holy Day of YHVH the Festival Of Trumpets / Yom HaTru’ah (Rosh HaShannah), August 31st – September 1st in 2016, in the 50th-(360 day Biblical calendar)-year since 1967, when there is both a ‘new-moon’/dark-full-moon and a partial solar eclipse.
- Very interesting ! But again: It’s YHVH alone Who fully knows how and when all of these specific Biblical prophesied events will exactly come to pass. – Though clearly He has left us many ‘Signs’ of His coming and of the End Of The Age/Days !

In addition to the TETRAD eclipses noted above, other significant events have happened associated with Lunar and Solar eclipses, both in ancient and modern history. For some examples of these, Bill Koenig writes in a article:
“…August 28, 2007, had very revealing headlines: A Blood-Red Moon Rises over North America, Olmert Offers Temple Mount Sovereignty to the Palestinians, Olmert and Abbas Meet on Israel's Land and Jerusalem, Bush Says Iran's Actions Could Lead to a Shadow of a Nuclear Holocaust, and Bush Arrives in New Orleans for his 15th Post-Katrina Visit These were the news headlines on the day of a total lunar eclipse that produced a "blood-red" moon, the second one in seven years with a connection to the Temple Mount. 
A total lunar eclipse/"blood-red" moon occurred on July 16, 2000, while U.S. President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat were at the Middle East Summit at Camp David. The sticking point that caused the summit to fail had to do with who would have sovereignty over the Temple Mount — the Israelis or the Palestinian Arabs.
During this year's total lunar eclipse/"blood-red" moon of Aug. 28, 2007, that rose over North America, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered the Palestinians sovereignty over the Temple Mount. What was so incredible about the timing of this offer is that it didn't take place days, weeks or months after the "blood-red" moon but on the very same day. In other words, the Temple Mount’s sovereignty was a central focus during both total lunar eclipse/ "blood-red" moons in 2000 and this week…” - (NOTE: There are many more facts on this in the article, click the following link to see: ).

…Nor are eclipses the only ‘sign’ in the heavenlies that we’ve seen. One important one was the Comet Elenin on the Biblical Holy Day of YHVH, the Festival Of Trumpets / Yom HaTru’ah (Rosh HaShannah) in 2011; but most people missed the significance of it, due in large part to all the falsehoods people were trying to attach to the comet’s appearance. – (Read more on this here: ).
- Now in 2013, as events are explosively heating up in the Middle-East and across the globe, there are to appear 3 comets this year. One of them is expected to be one of the brightest comets ever seen in history, perhaps even as bright as 15 times the full moon (Read more on this here: ).

Most people know that Israel having become a nation again in 1948 is a key focus in End-Time prophecy. But it wasn't until recently someone pointed out that Scripture shows, hidden in plain sight, the very date (May 14th 1948) that Israel was to become a nation ! -(See the article here: ).
- And while many believe that the Temple must be rebuilt in Jerusalem before End-Time events can really begin to take-off; what they don’t realize is that the End-Time Oblation Altar spoken of in Daniel, which the anti-Christ comes against and causes it to cease, is built BEFORE any Temple is/can-be built…And in fact just such an Altar has already been built by the Temple Mount Institute that fits all the requirements, and it could be moved on to the Temple Mount anytime in a day ! -(See more in note attached to picture here: ).
- Likewise concerning the Red-Heifer, which Torah requires before any Temple functions can begin, Israel now has two of them (See more here: ).
- Indeed: All of the Temple articles have been manufactured, the cohanim/priests have been trained, even the cornerstone for the 3rd Temple has been made and moved next to the Temple Mount.

One thing that prophecy in Scripture is absolutely clear on is that: The nations treatment of Israel in the End-Times of disputing their borders, and diving the land and coming against Jerusalem, is one of the main reasons for Judgment from YHVH Elohim...
"I have heard the reproach of Moab, And the revilings/(insults) of the children of Ammon, whereby they have reproached My people, And magnified-themselves/(made arrogant threats against) their border/(territory). Therefore, as I live, saith YHVH/(The-LORD) of hosts, the Elohim of Israel, Surely Moab shall be like Sodom, and the children of Ammon like Gomorrah, even the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a perpetual desolation: the residue of My people shall spoil/(plunder) them, and the remnant of My people shall possess them. This they shall have for their pride, because they have reproached and magnified-themselves/(made arrogant threats against) the people of YHVH/(The-LORD) of hosts. YHVH/(The-LORD) will be terrible unto them: for He will famish/(reduce to nothing) all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship Him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the nations.” - Zep.2:8-11.
"I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for My people and for My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted My land.
" - Joel 3:2.
In the same day YHVH/(The-LORD) made a covenant with Avram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:” - Genesis 15:18.
Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about... ~ And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” ~ ¶ “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” - Zech.12:2a-3,9

Likewise, as there have been wars against Israel since 1948, even so today: We are seeing the alignment of the End-Time wars prophesied in Is.17:1 & Ps.83, which appear ready to explode at any moment, as well as seeing the alignment and rise of the nations involved in the war of Ez.38-39. I think most people who are watching today and are aware of what's going on, expect that the world could see horrific war break out at any time now. (For but one example, see note attached to this picture for some recent developments in Syria: ).

Most people who are paying attention don’t need to be convinced of the dramatic daily increases we’re seeing of the prophesied End-Time happenings of volcanoes, earthquakes, extreme weather and broken records, & etc… (The FaceBook page “WarReport” give daily media articles/links to current events related to Biblical prophecy, you don’t need to be a member nor signed onto FaceBook to read it. See the page here: ). - But what fewer might realize is that often these events coincide not just with the increasing LAWlessness that we're seeing, but also with the nations ill treatment of Israel - such as the undeniable link of events surrounding both Gush Katif in Israel and Hurricane Katrina in the USA (See article here for more on this: ). – And more recently: What events coincided with the “Frankenstorm” of Oct. 2012 that hit the N.E. United States?! -(Read more here in note/links attached to photo: }.

Many also are now aware of the astounding parallels that Jonathan Cahn has shared of what has happened since 9/11 in the USA, to what was prophesied in the Harbingers to Israel in the Book of Isaiah – and of the on-going and impending Judgments on America.
- Nathan Leal of the Watchman’s Cry also has written interesting articles on how from 9/11 to the day of Obama’s 2nd inauguration, there is alignment with a Biblical account of Judgment -(See links below for more information on both of these).

What has been outlined here in this short article barely touches the surface. It would take many books (which have been written) to even begin to cover all the subjects related to the End-Times.

In Romans 1:20 it says:
For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
…And surely we who are living in these End-Time Final Age/Days, in our witnessing all the signs, wonders, prophecies and Biblical events that are taking place before our very eyes, which YHVH has left for us in His mercy to call all mankind to repentance, we also are: “Without excuse” !


Four 'blood-red' total lunar eclipses will fall on Passover and Sukkot in 2014 and 2015, the same back-to-back occurrences at the time of 1492, 1948 and 1967: 


SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS Part 1: Mark Blitz on rare Solar and Lunar Eclipses on Biblical Holy Days now through 2015. - EXCELLENT MUST SEE VIDEO! - MARANATHA! -

SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS Part 2: Mark Blitz on rare Solar and Lunar Eclipses on Biblical Holy Days now through 2015. - EXCELLENT MUST SEE VIDEO! - MARANATHA! -

A Major Sign In The Heavens (but many missed it due to the hype and false reports that preceded it)….[Comet E.L.E.N.I.N.: WHAT ABOUT IT WAS FALSE & WHAT ABOUT IT WAS VALID?]: 

THE HARBINGER JUDGMENT OF AMERICA ! Message to America: Jonathan Cahn Addresses the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast 2013:

Jonathan Cahn Interviewed On The 700 Club - The Harbinger - Prophetic Event Points to 2015 Within the Tribulation Tetrad - 

The Harbinger - Jonathan Cahn Part 1 - Gary interviews New York Times Best Seller Author, Jonathan Cahn about his life and his book The Harbinger:

The Harbinger - Jonathan Cahn Part 2 - Gary interviews New York Times Best Seller Author, Jonathan Cahn about his life and his book The Harbinger:

Connecting the Dots: Revealing the Parallel between Ancient Israel and Modern America -


JUDGMENT-USA! –(Nathan Leal / The Watchman’s Cry 11/15/12 PART 1)- Mystery Babylon at the Gate - America is Falling! -

JUDGMENT-USA! –(Nathan Leal / The Watchman’s Cry 11/21/12 PART 2)- Zombie Apocalypse? -

Heavenly Harbinger:

COULD "FRANKENSTORM" BE A SIGN FROM GOD?!... The following article has amazing facts regarding what happens from the USA's ill treatment of Israel, with major 'natural' diasters hitting the USA...A MUST READ...! -

NOTE: FOLLOWING IS A SERIES OF VIDEO TEACHINGS (Which I haven't viewed myself yet, in order to be able to give a 100% endorsement of them or not) WHICH SHOW DISASTER-JUDGMENTS THAT FOLLOW THE BAD TREATMENT OF ISRAEL (of which Biblical Prophecy warns about) AND OTHER RELATED END-TIME EVENTS CONCERNING ISRAEL & THE USA -

Daniel's Timeline -[1hr 57min]- Bible Prophecy of the Last Days (This video has some interesting information):





For more information on the Biblical Holy Days OF YHVH (& observances) and how they relate to Prophecy, see the articles attached to photos in this photo-album here :

ECLIPSES: Rosh Chodesh & 15th Day Moadim -

SIGNS & WONDERS FROM ABOVE: What Is Our Reaction?... -

The Book Of Zephaniah /צְפַנְיָה - I believe this Book speaks to both exactly where we are at, and soon headed, prophetically:

YHVH's Response to the Quartet’s “road-map” to hell!:

The 1st Four Seals - The Horsemen Ride:

NOTE: Other notes/videos/downloads related to the End-Times can be found here: 

Aharit HaYamim / The Final Days : ¶ "The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired Him that He would shew them a Sign from Heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the Signs Of The Times?" - (Matt.16:1-3).

"And there shall be Signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; ~ And I will shew Wonders in heaven above, and Signs in the earth beneath; ~ blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke: ~ And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful Sights and great Signs shall there be from Heaven. ~ The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the Great and the Terrible Day of YHVH come." - Lu 21:25; Ac 2:19a & Joel 2:30b; Lu 21:11; Joel 2:31 \
אחרית הימים
Photo Of Blood-Red-Moon Lunar Eclipse Over Jerusalem Temple-Mount On 2-20-08.
Prophetic & Biblical End-Time Events...
(FaceBook URL):
END-TME-ALERTS ! Brief Check List Of Signs ~ (Important: Please Note Especially #7 Below ! )...

1.) Increased wickedness & evil in the earth, men and governments calling good evil and evil good.
2.) Both false-doctrines of men and LAWlessness in one ditch & and in the other ditch false-doctrines of men and legalism, formulas, etc....Replacing Faith and Sound Doctrine in the Church/Body, as we see the great falling away.
3.) Wars in great increase & the Nations dividing and coming against Israel & the global rise of Islam.
4.) Signs in the heavens, Blood-Red-Moon eclipses on Biblical Holy Days and solar eclipses timed to days/events, unusual cosmic events, timely comets, etc..
5.) Signs in the earth, dramatic increase in volcanoes, earthquakes, broken extreme records, etc..
6.) The perversion of YHVH's creation with GMO, cloning, etc..
7.) (AND MANY OTHER THINGS ALIGNING WITH ANCIENT BIBLICAL PROPHESY TODAY WARNING OF THE END OF THE AGE AND IMPENDING JUDGMENT)...But one of the most important End-Of-The-Age "Signs" for YOU might be: If you are one of those who fall into the End-Time camp of them who, even after seeing all the above, yet has allowed themselves to be self-deceived into being a 'MOCKER, SCOFFER, ENDLESS-DOUBTER' ! 

"How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit." - Jude 1:18-19.

"Knowing first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lust." - 2Peter 3:3.

Aharit HaYamim / The Final Days : ¶
"The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired Him that He would shew them a Sign from Heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the Signs Of The Times?" - (Matt.16:1-3).

"And there shall be Signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; ~ And I will shew Wonders in heaven above, and Signs in the earth beneath; ~ blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke: ~ And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful Sights and great Signs shall there be from Heaven. ~ The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the Great and the Terrible Day of YHVH come." - Lu 21:25; Ac 2:19a & Joel 2:30b; Lu 21:11; Joel 2:31 \ אחרית הימים


THE HARBINGER JUDGMENT OF AMERICA ! Message to America: Jonathan Cahn Addresses the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast:

The Harbinger with Jonathan Cahn Part 1 - Gary interviews New York Times Best Seller Author, Jonathan Cahn about his life and his book The Harbinger:

The Harbinger with Jonathan Cahn Part 2 - Gary interviews New York Times Best Seller Author, Jonathan Cahn about his life and his book The Harbinger:

A Related Article - Connecting the Dots: Revealing the Parallel between Ancient Israel and Modern America -

SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: Mark Blitz on rare Solar and Lunar Eclipses on Biblical Holy Days / 9th of Av - now through 2015. - EXCELLENT MUST SEE VIDEO! - PART 1 - MARANATHA! -

SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: Mark Blitz on rare Solar and Lunar Eclipses on Biblical Holy Days / 9th of Av - now through 2015. - EXCELLENT MUST SEE VIDEO! - PART 2 - MARANATHA! -

CHART OF COMING 'SIGNS IN THE SKY': ALL I CAN SAY IS: WOW! [NOTE the rare lunar/solar pattern that is repeated the same way in 2011-(the last Blood-Red Moon n 2011 is on December 10th on Shabbat, visible from the Western USA & Canada) and again 7 years later, and in the center the extremely-rare (1492, 1948+, 1967+, 2014/15) Tetrad on Biblical Holy Days !] -

Daniels Timeline - Bible Prophecy of the Last Days (This video has some interesting information):

Apologia & Doctrinal:
(FaceBook URL): 
Messiah In Prophecy Scripture 
The Final-Mem In Isaiah 9:7 ~ Y'shaYahu 9:6

NOTE: While there is a great deal more material and notes that could be shared on this topic, yet this brief article is just a condensed thumb-nail version of this subject to introduce and make you aware of the main facts of this matter...

Of the various Tanakh/(O.T.) passages that Messianic/Christian Believers in Yeshua/(Jesus) note that are speaking prophetically of Messiah: What one will most often hear today from modern Rabbinic-Judaism is that any Messianic application of those particular verses is incorrect (with a few exceptions of some modern Orthodox sources that will speak of the earliest Judaic commentaries on those verses as indeed referring to Messiah).

The one passage that many are probably most familiar with in this regards, is the Isaiah 53 (Is.52:13-53:12) Haftarah-portion (which is skipped over in the progressive reading in Synagogues today) on the ‘Suffering Servant’, which modern Judaism likens to Israel itself; but which the most ancient Judaic commentaries clearly indicate is speaking of Messiah.

Another portion of Scripture that many are familiar with in these regards is Isaiah 9:6-7 / (Y'shaYahu 9:5-6): “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty EL/(God), The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of YHVH/(the-LORD) of hosts will perform this.

The above portion presents a problem for modern Rabbinic Judaism, and so today you’ll hear those who say such things as: 
>That already happened prior to the time of Isaiah writing, as it is written in the ‘past tense’’.-(However: There is no ‘past-tense’, in that sense, of Hebrew verbs, as they only have a ‘perfect/imperfect’ form, and in this portion we see a idiomatic-Hebrew use called the "Prophetic Perfect", which is where the prophet speaks of seeing future events where they-{events then in the future} have already happened). 
>Or they’ll say: ‘That portion refers to King Hezikiah’.-(However on that portion it is clearly indicated in Rabbinic Commentary that the Child spoken of there does NOT refer to Hezikiah. However, the commentary does say: "‘...Sovereign of the Universe! it [the earth] hath fulfilled Thy desire [for songs of praise] on behalf of this righteous man.’ But a heavenly Voice cried out, ‘It is my secret, it is my secret.’ To which the prophet rejoined, ‘Woe to me, woe to me: how long [must we wait]?’..." -{Sanhedrin 94a on the Closed-Mem in Is.9:6/(7)}).
-> Yet another way that we see there is a Rabbinic difficulty with this passage of Scripture in modern times, can clearly be seen with how it is treated in the English translation of: “The Holy Scriptures – JPS / Jewish Publication Society – 1917, 1955”, where for Isaiah 9:5b/(vs. 6 in other Bibles) they do not even translate the text into English, but instead print the transliteration of the Hebrew, and then just put the English in a tiny footnote at the bottom of the page ! – Obviously they were concerned at not just how the Messianic/Christians view this passage as prophetically speaking of Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) and His Divinity; but are also showing their concern that anyone reading their English Jewish version of Tanakh might likewise come to the same conclusion on this verse!

But there is even more to this passage as well!…

In Hebrew the letter for “M”/(Mem) is always written as an open/medial (מ) letter in Hebrew words, excepting at the end of words where it is always written as a Closed/Final-Mem called a: Mem-Sofit (ם) letter – EXCEPT for the only exception in all of Scripture being in Isaiah 9:6/(7) where the closed/final Mem is used in the middle of a word !..."Of the INCREASE of His government…”. In this one and only case, we see that the closed-Mem appears in the middle of the word “increase/l:marbeh” (לםרבה). While in and of itself, this highly unusual exception in the midst of this remarkable passage speaks for itself, yet early Judaic commentary adds even more interesting observations…
In Judaism, the Closed-Mem is also spoken of as referring to the closed womb of a woman (One example: Bahir 84-85). This then points us to this Child in verses 9:5-6/(6-7) being of a super-natural birth, and also points us back to this verse of Isaiah 7:14: 
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His Name ImmanuEl/(El/God with us).”-(See notes below for more discussion on the Hebrew word for virgin/almah, and the word bethulah.).
…This then also speaks to us of the Messianic prophecy in Genesis 3:15: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her Seed; It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel.
…The above verse in Genesis since Biblical times has also been considered in Judaism as referring prophetically to Messiah, and to Him having a super-natural birth –(See notes below for more on this).

This is all quite remarkable, and the more so when considering that the Sopherim were led to use the Closed-Mem in this Isaiah 9 portion.

I pray that all Jewish people would come to know their Messiah Yeshua speedily and soon !

Maranatha: We want Mashiach now…AGAIN !

ישוע המשיח הוא יה את-הדבר אלוהי

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries speaks on this subject in his Feb.2nd 2012 audio/video Shabbat message for the Torah portion Yitro/Jethro, on the Haftarah portion in Isaiah; which you can hear here: 

(NOTE: The following are just a few notes related to this subject from the MNV Study Bible, that show early Rabbinic commentary was in line with the Messianic/Christian understandings of these prophetic Messianic passages; though contrary to what you'll hear said from most of Rabbinic-Judaism today. Besides what has been outlined in this brief article and notes, there is much more that could be said that you can research on your own as you feel led)…

MT1:18 RABBINIC: Various Rabbinic quotes of interest [&: Mat.1:23
note]: R. Tanchuma said in the name of R. Samuel: Eve had
respect to that "seed" which is coming from another place. And
who is this? -This is Messiah, the King. Ber.Rab.23,ed.Warsh.
Is it not written that we may preserve a son from our father,
but "Seed from our Father", This is the seed that is coming
from another place. And who is this? -This is the King
Messiah. -Ber. Rabbah (51, ed. Warsh. p.95a, on Gen.19:32).

MT1:23 NOTE: Often the idea is expressed by those not minded to agree
with the LXX Greek reading, that the word ALMAH in Hebrew
should be translated with a more general meaning of: YOUNG-
MAIDEN. However, besides the various arguments in favor of the
word being translated as VIRGIN, as we see in some of the
following quotes, even inside of 'some' Rabbinic lit. the word
is understood as VIRGIN; example: "Behold, a virgin shall
conceive" -there are some who say that this was made a sign,
because a virgin: "fuit non apta generationi" -Kimchi-[Is.
7:14].; ...Kimchi refutes the above by observing that Hezekiah
was nine years old when his father began to reign, and he must
be at this time at least 13 years of age. In like manner
Kimchi; and Ibn Ezra object to it, and besides his mother could
not be called a virgin. *(See: Kimchi on Isa. vii. 15.) -Gill.
R. Huni in the name of R. Joshua said that this man is the King
Messiah of whom it is said Ps. 2:7, This day have I begotten
Thee. -Tal. Bab.; He (God) heals with the same wounds; so you
will find in Israel, they sinned by a virgin, and were punished
in a virgin, so He comforts them by a virgin according to
Jeremiah 31:21,22.-Turn again O virgin of Israel, etc., A woman
shall compass a man. Joshua ben Levi (in Gen.c.41.) apud
Moses Hadarshan.
The idea that Messiah would have no earthly father is
presented to us by Rabbi B'rekhyah: "The Holy One said to
Israel, 'You have spoken before Me saying, We are orphans and
have no father [Lamentation 5:3]: The Redeemer whom I shall
raise up out of your midst will have no father also, as it is
said, Behold, the man whose name is Branch, and He shall branch
up out of his place [Zechariah 6:12]'". -From the Suffering
Servant of Isaiah, According to Jewish Interpreters, S.Driver
and A.Neubauer, Hermon Press, New York, 1877. -{Messiah, A
Rabbinic And Scriptural Viewpoint, Burt Yellin, Published by:
Congregation Roeh Israel 8556 E. Warren Ave. Denver Co. 80231.
Also in his comment on Song of Songs 1:3 Rashi explains that
"`ALAMOT" (the plural of "`ALMAH") means "B'TULOT" ("virgins").
Michael Rydelnik, a Hebrew Christian, writes,
"Cyrus Gordon, a greatly respected Jewish scholar who does not
believe in the virgin birth, holds that the cognate languages
demonstrate that in Isaiah 7:14 ALMAH should be translated
1953], p. 106)." (THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, June 1987, p. 18)*
The above was taken from: Jewish New Testament Commentary,
written by: David H. Stern. Copyright @ 1992, David H. Stern.
All rights reserved (over 1,000 pages) Published by: Jewish New
Testament Publications Post Office Box 1313, Clarksville,
Maryland 21029, USA Telephone (410) 764-6144 Israel office: 78
Manahat, 96901 Jerusalem, Israel First edition, 5,000 copies
Printed in the United States of America ISBN 965-359-008-1
Library of Congress catalog card number 92-097129
[*] -Material not included in, but related to Stern's
Commentary: *RASHI IN MIKRA'OT G'DOLOT ON IS. 7:14:
...Chizkiyahu nomar va"a (veacherim omrim) sheharei ksheat'
mone shanotav timtze shenolad Chizkiyah lifnei malchut aviv 9
...Hezekiah and others say that when you count his years you'll
see that Hezekiah was born 9 years before his fathers reign and
there are those who think that the sign is that the girl is
*ON ISAIAH 7:14 [pg. 35]"THE YOUNG WOMAN. Hebrew HA'ALMAH means
an adolescent woman, one of marriageable age. [...] The Hebrew
for 'virgin' is BETHULAH, though ALMAH too sometimes bears this
meaning. (ISAIAH Soncino Books Of The Bible; Editor: Rev.Dr.A.
Cohen M.A. Ph.D., D.H.L. by The Rev. Dr. I. W. Slotki, M.A.,
Litt.D. Revised by Rabbi A. J. Rosenberg The Soncino Press
London - New York @ 1983 ISBN 0-900689-28-5)
*(Cyrus Gordon -Journal of Bible and Religion, vol 21, no.2,p.
106): Ever since the publication of the Revised Standard
Version there has been a storm of debate over the translation
of '`almah' in Isaiah 7:14 as "young woman" instead of the King
James "virgin." The commonly held view that "virgin" is
Christian, whereas "young woman" is Jewish is not quite true.
The fact is that the Septuagint, which is the Jewish
translation made in pre-Christian Alexandria, takes '`almah'
to mean "virgin" here. Accordingly, the New Testament follows
Jewish interpretation in Isaiah 7:14.
*See: HaYerushalayim Tanakh, Koren-Publ., (the official version
of the Knesset btw), at Shir Hashirim 1:3 @ the English
portion, -where it translates the plural of almah as VIRGINS.

MT3:16 RABBINIC: The ideal King to whom Isaiah looks forward will be a
scion of the stock of Jesse (The Messiah) on whom will rest the
Spirit of God....[also Is.9:1-6] -Jewish Encyl.vol.8 pg.506,c1.
(Bereshis Rabba 2 [NOTE: Yesha'yahu/Isaiah 11:2]). 

LK1:32 This Aramaic Dead Sea fragment, sigulm 4Q246 from Qumran says:
"[X] shall be great upon the earth. [O King all (people)
shall] make [peace], and all shall serve [Him. He shall
be called the Son of] the [G]reat [God], and by His Name
shall He be hailed (as) the Son of God, and they shall
call Him Son of the Most High."
In both this fragment that is quite like LK.1:32,35, we are
told in both here and Luke that He will be "great"; that He
will be "called" "Son of the Most High" and "Son of God." This
is the first time that the term "Son of God" has been found in
any ancient Israeli text outside of the Bible. Before this
discovery, some scholars had stated that the origin of terms
like these were from Hellenistic usage outside of Israel, and
therefore showed a later usage in Christian development. Now
we know for sure that these terms were indeed a part of
Messianic Judaism's original Jewish heritage.
RABBINIC: For unto us a Son is born, to us a Son is given:
and He shall receive the Torah upon Him to keep It; and His
Name is called from the old, Wonderful, Counselor, ELoha, The
Mighty, Abiding to Eternity, The Messiah, because peace shall
be multiplied on us in His Days. - Targum Jonathan / Is.9:6.

JN14:9 RABBINIC: [On Is.9:6; R. Ibn Ezra:] ...There are some
interpreters who say that 'Wonderful, Everlasting Father' are
Names of God and only 'Prince of Peace' is the Name of the
Child. But according to my view the interpretation is right
(which says): all are the Names of the Child.

NOTE: For a detailed study on “The Divinity Of Messiah, The Tri-Unity Of YHVH Elohim” that you can download (or read online) click here:

...Or you can read that whole study on FaceBook, beginning with part 1 (of 7), starting here:
Thought For Today...
(FaceBook URL):
ישוע המשיח הוא יה את-הדבר אלוהים
Yeshua HaMashiach Hu YAH ET-HaDavar Elohim
<-(Yochanan / John 1).
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son: - Colossians 1:13.
Prophetic & Biblical End-Time Events...
(FaceBook URL):
I HAD A VERY SAD DREAM RIGHT BEFORE WAKING (on 01-27-13) after having seen the night before the Jonathan Cahn video of him speaking at the Presidential Inaugural Breakfast...

In the dream myself, and others, were led by a younger-eagle to where was a very old but majestic eagle that lay motionless in the midst of a hedge. As we approached from the back-side, I could see it's many deep and deadly wounds that had torn into its body. We then moved around to the front of the eagle, and I could hear the younger eagle speak, though he didn't utter any words: This eagle is the United States of America, which from its deadly wounds should have died many days ago, but has desired to hang on long enough to speak to you. - Then looking at this old-eagle: I knew it to be the country that I'd grown up in, not the wicked sinful perversion that has come to take it's place. - As it barely held up its head...while looking at its eyes I could see the pain and sorrow of it's last moments of life before dying, as well as see its grief and anguish at what had come to pass...And that it had wanted to remain long enough to say those who remembered earlier days of joy in their childhood, yet who now mourned its passing - to somehow impart to us who cared: Of its deep sorrow that there was no longer any heritage left to impart to our children. - And for one last say farewell.

And I awoke.

NOTE: Here is a link to Jonathan Cahn's video - THE HARBINGER JUDGMENT OF AMERICA ! Message to America: Jonathan Cahn Addresses the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast:

Here is a link to download or hear the audio of the message: ]

A Related Article - Connecting the Dots: Revealing the Parallel between Ancient Israel and Modern America -(If clicking the following link doesn't work, cut and paste it into your browser) -
Thought For Today...
(FaceBook URL):
HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF ! (Some who were there still remember)...!
Prophetic & Biblical End-Time Events...
(FaceBook URL):
(PART A.): When the 'dung hits the windmill', let it never be said that those who felt led of YHVH to warn, did not give you ample time to prepare spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically, in whatever ways YHVH would have had you to do.
(PART B.): Those of you who's lot was rather to scoff, mock &/or say that hearing about such negative things coming up was not walking in have failed to realize that those who felt led to so prepare, were also doing so for those who "couldn't" <-{ALSO}-> and you have failed to realize that you just might be one of those whom YHVH might NOT lead them to being one of those who "wouldn't" !

Apologia & Doctrinal:
(FaceBook URL):
Those who deny and teach against the Divinity of Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) are under demonic deception!
They speak against both the Tanakh/(O.T. Scripture) & the Brit Chadashah/(N.T. Scripture), and are calling YHVH a liar ! 
All throughout Scripture (both Older and New) Messiah is spoken of as being Divine, as well as It saying that Salvation is through YHVH alone. <–> Since Scripture also says that our Salvation is through Messiah…then if you instead falsely say that He (Messiah) was “ONLY” born as a created man, they you are falsely saying that Scripture says to worship someone else-(who you falsely claim is only a part of the creation)-before/instead-of YHVH the Creator !
Messiah, Who IS come in the flesh: IS The WORD of YHVH Elohim/(God), He created all things (And Elohim/God SAID let there be…) – He is the Voice of YHVH Elohim Who walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the evening…And Who now walks in the garden of the hearts of those who know Him ! – Woe! to those who deny this, for you shall stand before the Davar/Memra/Word of YHVH Elohim in Judgment !

Brethren, beware!: If you permit this heresy to be taught (that Messiah is not literally Divine) and allow this to continue in your midst (in the name of some kind of false ‘unity’) then you have joined hands with this demonic-deception, and you will share of the Judgment upon it !

Yeshua HaMashiach Hu YAH ET-HaDavar Elohim
ישוע המשיח הוא יה את-הדבר אלוהים

Yeshua/(Jesus) The-Messiah He (is) YAH/(The LORD) [את]-The-Word (of) Elohim/(God)

והדבר נהיה בשר וישכן בתוכנו 
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us

"Ok then...Since you want to wait the better part of a year to address this issue in a 6 hour video, when a brief outline in a text-file would suffice in the interim for those who've questioned your stance on this major/key issue (as I'd outlined in comments above)...Then going by just by what you've responded to date: It would appear, to one degree or another, your stance is in discord with the Peshat/Simple-plain understanding of the clear passages, aligned with ALL of Scripture-(not being just a doctrine that only agrees with part of Scripture)-that Yeshua Messiah IS YHVH, in the flesh (being both at the same time, as from Yeshua's Birth on: Both man and the pre-existent Word of YAH Elohim - so...LITERALLY YHVH !) - How can I say in accord with "all" of Scripture and the Peshat of the Bible?...(To site just two of dozens of examples): Because while the Greek Brit Chadashah states Messiah is 'Lord' (and without the definite article it can mean YHVH); the Biblical-Aramaic Peshitta leaves no doubt whatsoever of what is being proclaimed:
BIBLICAL ARAMAIC PESHITTA, Phil.2:11: "and that every tongue should confess that Master-YHVH/(MarYAH) is Yeshua Mashiach to the glory of Elohim His Father."
BIBLICAL ARAMAIC PESHITTA, 1Cor.12:3: "I therefore explain to you, that there is no man that speaks by the Spirit of Elohim, who says that Yeshua is accursed: neither can a man say that Master-YHVH/(MarYAH) is Yeshua, except by the Ruach haKodesh."
Yeshua Messiah IS YHVH, in the flesh - both the Creator and the created-(And He did not 'become' Messiah nor the Word of YAH later on in His life, He was born into the world as such). - Any analogy/polemic/apologia that does not also completely adhere to the plain Peshat of Scripture is ALWAYS in error...
For Messiah Yeshua Himself testifies of Himself: "Yeshua/(Jesus) said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Avraham was, I AM." <Greek]-John 8:58-[Aramaic> "Yeshua said to them, Amaine amaine I say to you that before Avraham existed, I was!"
...To conclude otherwise would be to say that the N.T./Brit-Chadashah, even all of Tanakh, is in error and lies."

[*** WRITES> 'Y’shua became and is the same Word as the Father, because that is all Y’shua spoke and practiced. We do not worship the man Y’shua is, but the Word that He represents and teaches as the authority." (& etc. along these lines)'
Reply a.) However Scripture doesn't say Yeshua "became" the Word (because of something He did), it says He IS the Word ! Yeshua (in the flesh) did not become the Word, Rather: The Word became flesh as Yeshua - HUGE difference.
Reply b.) It's a dangerous thing to say: "We do not worship the man Y’shua is..." without more qualifying than you've given. For Yeshua is far more than just 'the man', as 'the man' is also: The Tabernacle of Ruach HaDavar YAH Elohim ! - While Scripture shows that Yeshua questioned the motives of the the young man who called Him 'good' Rabbi - who didn't have a revelation from the Spirit of YAH, of who He (Yeshua) fully was, and so this young man was addressing the 'man' Yeshua with an attribute of YAH Elohim; yet: There are various places where people DO 'worship' Yeshua in the N.T., and they are never rebuked for it, and in fact Scripture DOES say that we are to worhip Messiah Yeshua, not as the just man, but because in Spirit and in Truth He Truly IS YAH, the Word of YHVH Elohim; and in that far more than simply "the Word that He represents", for the Spirit/Ruach of Yeshua IS the literal Word of YAH Elohim Himself !... 
"That at the Name of Yeshua every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Yeshua Messiah is Lord, to the glory of Elohim/(God) the Father." - Phil.2:10-11.
"And again, when He bringeth in the Firstbegotten into the world, He saith, And let all the angels of Elohim/(God) worship Him." - Heb.1:6.
...For if He were not actually & literally the very Word of YHVH Elohim Himself, and so an actual part of Elohim (again, for a mundane example: Considering that the words of a man are totally the man, though not the totality of a man) then these verses would be contrary to the 1st Commandment of the Decalogue, and blasphemous. Even as if He were not literally and actually a part of YHVH Himself Elohim, He could not Save, as our Salvation is in YHVH ALONE, as all Scripture agrees.
Scripture declares of the Son...
"But unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, O Elohim/(God), is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy kingdom." - Heb.1:8.
...And while Scripture says to bow in worship to YHVH; when one bowed/fell in worship even before an 'angel' (a fellow-servant of his brethren), they were commanded to not do so and told to 'worship Elohim'; and yet we see these, while Yeshua as a 'man' walked on the earth before His Resurrection...
"And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped Him, saying, Of a truth Thou art the Son of God." - Matt.14:32-33.
¶ "Yeshua heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God? He answered and said, Who is He, Lord, that I might believe on Him? And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen Him, and it is He that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped Him." - John 9:35-38.
Why is this then a CRITICAL matter that MUST be addressed?...
To in any way mistake the nature of Messiah, in regards to His eternal Divinity, has just as much in error as of those following 'another jesus' who the Catholics say is a seperate-god, as it does of those who propose an Ebionite-view of a 'messiah' who only acquired being the Word, becoming so from something he did...and so a 'messiah' that is: Diminishing and taking the focus off of YHVH as our Salvation ! -
There is a road between these two ditches: It's called the Peshat / simple and plain understanding of all of Scripture on this matter -(since Scripture does not contradict Itself, all plain statements cannot be annulled by any analogy or supposed 'veiled or hard to understand' meanings.)
ישוע המשיח הוא יה את-הדבר אלוהים

NOTE: For a detailed study on this critically important matter, see (on FaceBook notes) this 7 part series (beginning with part 1, then click next for 2 thru 7) here: "The Divinity Of Messiah, The Tri-Unity Of YHVH Elohim (Part 1 of 7)":

OR VIEW ONLINE the entire study here:


BIBLICAL ARAMAIC PESHITTA, Phil.2:11: "and that every tongue should confess that Master-YHVH/(MarYAH) is Yeshua Mashiach to the glory of Elohim His Father."

BIBLICAL ARAMAIC PESHITTA, 1Cor.12:3: "I therefore explain to you, that there is no man that speaks by the Spirit of Elohim, who says that Yeshua is accursed: neither can a man say that Master-YHVH/(MarYAH) is Yeshua, except by the Ruach haKodesh."
Prophetic & Biblical End-Time Events...
(FaceBook URL):

In Scripture we are often shown ‘two types’ that we can use for warnings & examples for our lives. And often these two types even refer to different/opposite types of "Believers" in the End-Times we are living in.

CAIN AND ABEL both brought offerings to YHVH Elohim. – But while Abel brought a right and acceptable offering to YAH. - Yet what Cain offered was something of his own doing that was not acceptable to YHVH, and both Cain and his offering were not respected. – What two types of Believers of today might this illustrate?

“AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF LOT…”: While Abraham rejected living in a place of worldly pleasure and was blessed; yet Lot was content to move to, and though grieved, remain in Sodom and Gomorrah in that place of vile iniquity. – When Judgment fell: Lot had to be physically removed at the last moment from his dwelling place that was in the midst of sin, and so he was as one ‘saved yet as by fire’, but he suffered a great loss. – Which two types of Believers, and their awaited fate, does this speak of in these End-Times? - (gold, silver, precious stones / wood, hay, stubble).

THE TARES & THE WHEAT both grew together. Tares only looked like the wheat while they were growing in the same field together; but they were not the same. In the End-Times the tares were gathered for burning, and only the wheat into the barn…!

THE GOATS AND THE SHEEP both were together, until separated by Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) at His return in Judgment. The goats tried to make excuses of why they thought they should remain among the sheep at His Right Hand; but they were sent away from Him into everlasting fire.

And many other ‘two-types’ that we are shown in Scripture: The faithful Believers of Philadelphia; and the lukewarm Believers of Laodicea. The faithful servants who were given the talents; and the wicked servant who was given one talent. The five wise virgins; and the five foolish virgins. Etc… ~ The True Believers; and the false believers. ~ Those who are false are shown often shown in these accounts, as giving excuses in the Judgment, trying give a justification of what sin they did during their lives…excuses that they no doubt had convinced themselves, in self-deception, of being in right-standing with YHVH; but they were all dead-wrong! 

Which ‘type’ are YOU?!

TRULY repent, and REALLY come to YHVH in Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) quickly…while the door is still open !

YHVH/(The LORD) shewed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs were set before the Temple of YHVH/(the LORD), after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon. One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad. Then said YHVH/(the LORD) unto me, What seest thou, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs, very good; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil. Again the Word of YHVH/(the LORD) came unto me, saying, Thus saith YHVH/(the LORD), the Elohim/(God) of Israel; Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good. For I will set mine eyes upon them for good, and I will bring them again to this land: and I will build them, and not pull them down; and I will plant them, and not pluck them up. And I will give them an heart to know Me, that I am YHVH/(the LORD): and they shall be My people, and I will be their Elohim/(God): for they shall return unto Me with their whole heart. And as the evil figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so evil; surely thus saith YHVH/(the LORD), So will I give Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt: And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them. And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers. – Jeremiah 24:1-10.

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    יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
    יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו
    אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ

    יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם

    ישוע המשיח הוא יה

    And Yeshua answered him, The first of all the commandments is, ¶ Hear, O Israel: YHVH our God YHVH is One: And thou shalt love YHVH thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. - And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. (Deut. 6:4-5 & Mark 12:29-31)