This is a more important topic than many realize. Many, including some of my friends, are going to HATE what I write here; REGARDLESS: It is fact! Depending on how much one is committed to the traditions of man that are contrary to Scripture, or not - they'll either reject or receive this. 

As we move more into these End-Times: Over the last few years there are now countless teachings, on pretty much every subject, that are full of errors, half-truths, or even complete lies. Sometimes these things come about from sincere people simply repeating incorrect things that they've heard as though they were facts; others times the motives are more sinister and agenda based. - One of these important matters that needs to be addressed is concerning the various conflicting teachings on "Rosh Chodesh / The New-Moon". Rosh Chodesh is more important than you may at first think. I believe that part of the reason for the confusion that has sprung up over the last few years concerning it, is from the enemies' attempt to cloud the set & established Moadim/(The Appointed Times) of YHVH, and to veil the wonders in the heavens that are associated with them...which are to be witnessing signs to a dying world. Another reason for all of the sharp division on this subject that’s been increasing, is the enemy trying to sow discord in the camp – just like with all the arguments on the “Rapture”; One-House/Two-House/Duplex; & etc. (fill in the blank); and on and on it goes ! Now some people’s answer to this division, is to simply ignore the issues, and instead endorse the idea of everyone doing their own thing. – While this is fine in disputable dogmatic matters (Romans 14); it becomes more of a serious issue when these contentions involve the Moadim/(Appointed times) & Observances given in YHVH’s Word. – And while someone holding a minority view in these matters (even when incorrect) is their problem/business -(since we still, for the time being anyway, have the right to be wrong in this country – Oy!), yet it suddenly becomes everyone’s problem when these minority factions insist that they alone are right, and then attempt to impose their traditions and commentaries on the Body of Messiah as a whole – and then that wrong attitude is further compounded when those stances they’re trying to impose are obviously and demonstrably shown by fact as being in error, whether they are willing to admit it or now their contentions have crossed over into seeking to cause division and introduce error into the Body of Messiah. – Simply allowing this to fester without addressing it, is not the answer – ignoring a problem is most often not the correct way of dealing with it. (And two of the very worst offender groups are those who militantly insist the calendar of the Bible is an Enochian/solar one; and those who insist that Shabbat is re-set with each new moon...those that falsely say the Shabbat is not every 7th day from Friday sundown through Saturday sundown! - Those two views are so obviously false and divisive, that I won't even take the time to address them here - and will focus instead on the Biblical lunar calendar.).

The very FIRST thing that we as Believers MUST do is to place what Scripture says (Tanakh & Brit HaChadashah / O.T. & N.T.) as our first and foremost Authority over our walk and life, and That far above ALL commentaries of man. - The surviving writings & views of the Sadduceean & their splinter groups (including Essenes/Qumran, and the quite a bit later Karaites), and the writings & views of the Pharisees (which also had factions within it, mainly such as the Houses both of Hillel & Shammai), are just that, ‘commentary’. - And the more you look into it, the more you’ll note that pretty much none of these groups agree with each other on all kinds of issues, and are often not even agreeing among themselves in their own group (such as the minority and majority opinions in Talmud, the sharp disagreements between the Houses of Hillel and Shammai; and the disputes between the various Sadduceean/priestly-based groups; and etc..) Now some tend to think of the Talmud as a final authority on Biblical Judaism, when in reality it is the writings of a quite small in numbers group that survived the 1st century A.D. destruction of Jerusalem. Even though they did play an important role during LATE Biblical times, they were by no means the only authority at that time. Now, if you go by their own historical writings (Agada) you’d think they go back to the time of Elijah, or even earlier; but in reality both they (as the Parush party), and all the other Judaic factions, started to form as distinct groups beginning from the time under the Hasmonean dynasty (140–37 B.C.) in the wake of the Maccabean Revolt – so all these factions being late comers in the History of Biblical Israel from Moses on. Before this time, the halacha/rites of the Temple were only under the administration of the Cohanim/(Priests), as the Sanhedrin back then was not so much of a political body as it later became, but was more just a judicial body, as it was first set up by Moses to be. – Now part of the problem today is, when you read each of these factions writings, you’re tempted to think: ‘I’ve finally found the truth! These were the enlightened ones!’...but that’s just what each group is trying to portray themselves as; but the reality is different. For example the Talmud comes across as the House of Hillel being like 99% correct on everything; but part of the reason for this is that after the time of the Resurrection of Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus), the House of Hillel had a heated argument one day with the House of Shammai in the Sanhedrin, and during the fight that broke out, the House of Hillel killed off all of the House of Shammai ! Needless to say then, the later Talmudic commentary is most favorable to Hillel ! So then the surviving Pharisees of the House of Hillel went on to be the start of what became modern Rabbinic Judaism; and so here we are today. Now, there ARE some important things that are preserved for us from the early Rabbinic writings-(and the earlier the better, as there are some things written by the early ‘sages’ during the Biblical era that are quite valuable; whereas some of the other factions commentaries/writings, such as from the more later occurring Karaite movement, have less worth in that context.), important things in regards to some of both Halacha-(interpretive law), and Agada-(legends/history), including customs and history that are in accord with Written Scripture. However: There are also many things that are invalid, inaccurate, including some things that are in complete discord with Torah/Tanakh and are very bad and will send you down a wrong road quick! So the bottom line is: While there is a portion of value in what all of these factions have preserved for us in their writings, yet they ALL must be treated ONLY as commentary, and as a DISTANT secondary to YHVH’s Written Word. –(I've given this brief overview as it will figure in later on in this article). So it’s a very important thing to note that during the 1st Century A.D. Judaism in Israel was just as fractured with all those various groups, even as ‘Messianic/Hebraic-roots’-Judaism has become today over the last few years. But their sharp divisions started about a century and a half before Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) birth; while our increasingly woeful divisions have only been going on for the last few years…let’s pray that this ceases before Messiah comes back !

--> [PLEASE NOTE: One of the premises given and outlined in this article is that the Hebrew calendar that's used by Israel today, which was from calculations done by Hillel II, is far closer to the Biblical (& creation lunar conjunction New-Moon based) calendar used in Biblical era Israel, than is the Karaite-(or even any other early minority calendar method). The current Hebrew calendar, (excepting for their occasional 'postponement rule'), uses a very accurate Mean Conjunction calculation, (verses an Astronomical Conjunction), and then it sets Rosh Chodesh (Day 1) at the earliest possible time that the moon could be seen from Jerusalem Israel following that conjunction...and in so doing it has placed the 1st of the months pretty much inside of a 24 hour window of the actual creation lunar conjunctions. - Whereas the Karaite calendar varies at least 1 day, and often even more days, beyond this...and so it can be quite far removed from the actual Rosh Chodesh, New/Conjunction Moon, that YHVH made in creation. - Is the current Hebrew calendar perfect? No: But while there were various calendars available that smaller groups were using in the 1st Century A.D.; yet: Yeshua and the Disciples went instead by the main calendar system that was being used by the Nation of Israel at that time, and so should we go by the main system used today...And especially so in this case since, (short of everyone agreeing to use an Astronomical Conjunction calendar), the modern Hebrew/Israeli calendar is closer to the literal Peshat understanding of the verses concerning Rosh Chodesh in Tanakh, than is the Karaite, or any other minority system, that these smaller groups would try and insist we must use.]

We've already discussed several aspects of this in some depth in prior notes/studies-(see links below); but let's first examine this in an overview from a literal and plain reading of Scripture, as well as circumspectly looking at it based on observable FACTS, and in a historical context...

Paul speaks in Colossians 2:16 of the New-Moon/(Rosh Chodesh), along with the Biblical Holy Day Festivals of YHVH (re: The Fall Feasts), as being: (Prophetic)-"shadows of things TO COME". While Rosh Chodesh is not one of the main Festivals of YHVH given in Torah; yet He accords it much importance in Scripture...So much so that it is a given requirement for all people (including the goyim/gentiles) during the 1000 year Reign of Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) upon the earth...

"And it shall come to pass, that from one New Moon to another, and from one Shabbat/(Sabbath) to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith YHVH/(the LORD)." - Isa.66:23.

It is a delight and liberty to observe and partake in the Moadim and Observances of YHVH that He's given us in Scripture. - But this takes a sharp digression into the profane when any human or small group, emboldens themselves to think that they alone have been given the (self)-appointed task of moving the literal set times of the Moadim that have already been built and established into the very fabric of creation by YHVH, by using their man-made traditions that even contradict Scripture ! Appearing as though YHVH should have to wait on them, and expecting that the whole world should be held in suspense until they speak !

The “Appointed Time” first of all speaks of the ACTUAL physical creation event that IS ALREADY a reality; but then one looking for these “Appointed Times” to a degree involves man’s calculations of when those events are. – And that is where the error begins: When some give their own notions contrary to Scripture concerning the ‘Appointed Times’, and on how they say these things should be determined.

Since ancient Biblical times Rosh-Chodesh has always been understood by the Jewish people to mean both ‘the New-Moon’ and ‘the (fixed) 1st day of each month’; yet today you’ll hear various notions from groups trying to tell you what they say “Rosh Chodesh” should mean. Some of the teachings they give are very lengthy and verbose, even seemingly valid as they quote (supposedly) scholarly-sounding texts and from ancient writings. And there are various ancient quotations on CONFLICTING lunar and solar calendar systems that different groups have used in the past. - But does YHVH Himself define for us in Scripture very exactly and precisely just what is Rosh Chodesh (the New Moon), which is the FIXED & ESTABLISHED 1st day of His Biblical lunar creation calendar months? – YES! - And He does so in a way which can’t be mistaken, and He even relates it for us to the Holy Day of Yom HaTeruah-(the Biblical Festival of YHVH of Trumpets / Rosh-HaShannah), so we won’t miss its significance/application!...

Blow the ram’s horn at the new moon, at the covered in darkness (hidden) moon, on our feast day.” – Psalms 81:3 (NOTE: This is a literal Hebrew reading. – There’s a more detailed study on this found in the links at the end of this article).

But some will still say: Even if this is a definition of what the New-Moon actually is, don’t we still have to wait until we see a sliver-crescent before we can declare and know what the first day of the next month actually is? – NO ! Scripture again plainly states in the Peshat otherwise, when It shows what day will be Rosh Chodesh (The New Moon, the 1st day of the Biblical month) BEFORE it actually arrives!...

And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, TO MORROW is the New Moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.” – 1Samuel 20:5.

Then Jonathan said to David, TO MORROW is the New Moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.” – 1Samuel 20:18.

The 1st day of the Biblical months are already ESTABLISHED, they already exist! Any confirmation of the appointed times does NOT move the appointed times themselves, and so they are only a backwards-confirmation, and should NEVER be a forward marker for moving the 1st day of the months! - How is yet another way we can know this? – YHVH Himself built into the creation two witnesses (that are also noted as wonders in Scripture) that are self-correcting indicators that show if your ‘traditional’ calendars are correct or not: A Solar Eclipse can ONLY happen on a New-Moon (conjunction moon, Rosh-Chodesh) – PERIOD! If your calendar is a day off from this event being noted on the 1st of the month –then it is in error– PERIOD! For if you’ve seen a full Solar Eclipse you actually HAVE JUST WITNESSED a New-Moon! The second witness is: A ‘Blood Red Moon’ (full lunar eclipse) which can ONLY happen on the exact center (15th) of a lunar month. When YHVH says to observe a Festival on the 15th of a month He means the exact center of a lunar month, not X number of days(s) later. If your calendars note a Blood-Red full lunar eclipse happening on a different date...then they are to one degree or another in error- PERIOD!

(NOTE: There are other observable clear indications of the New-Moon too: A New-Moon can be seen, as documented in modern times, as early as 14.75+ hours from its being 100% “New”, and so before a next 24 hour day ‘sliver’. – ALSO: A final waning ‘sliver/crescent’ occurs on the day BEFORE a New-Moon, and can show, if in accord with the calculations, that the next night is to be Rosh-Chodesh).

And so why then is this VERY important to understand?...Not only because it says in Scripture for example: “He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.” – Ps.104:19; but also because Eclipses (solar, blood-red/lunar) are spoken of in Scripture prophetically as being End-Time wonders and warnings signs to a dying world of coming Judgment: (Isaiah 13:10; Joel 2:31; Luke 21:25; Acts 2:20; & etc..). – The EXTREME problem arises then if one incorrectly follows a sighted-crescent/sliver moon to set a random 1st day of the month, so that the ‘wonders’ established during the creation in the heavens that fall on FIXED Biblical Holy Days, will NEVER happen on them, as your calendar falsely moves YHVH’s Holy Days from the Rosh Chodesh (1st day of the month) of the actual creation lunar calendar, to a different day each month, and in so doing ignores the commands of when to do the 15th day Moadim, since you having moved the days of the actual creation lunar month (always by at least a day or often even more!) - so that any sign from YHVH will have been made of no effect since their not being noted by you on those days, due to your following traditions that contradiction the plain meaning of Scripture! Eclipses have been noted by ancient historians as having happened on significant events with prophetic implications in the past. - Now much of the world in general knows something about the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar-(more on this a little later); and so if a ‘wonder’ as mentioned in Scripture happens on a Biblical Holy Day (as they have in the past and are coming up in the future); then people can take note and reflect, and perhaps see what’s been happening that’s related to prophecy, and see what appears to be coming up, and so perhaps they may repent. – But if they’re waiting on the confirmation of some obscure group to tell them (INCORRECTLY) when the Holy Days will be, then the sign is veiled, as the actual Holy Days have been clouded by the confusion of your traditions!

Rosh Chodesh speaks of a going forth from darkness unto light, in that when a conjunction/new moon begins on the center of that same day to start leaving being 100% dark, it is now entering into light. Fitting then for the Biblical months (such as Aviv/Nissan the 1st of the Biblical prophetic calendar year; and Yom-HaTeruah/Rosh-HaShannah) to begin with this ACTUAL event of creation. - The length of time from one lunar conjunction (Rosh Chodesh / New Moon) to the next is: 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 3.33 seconds. This calculation has been known and used since ancient times. The calculations used in the current Israeli/Hebrew calendar for the New-Moon are a Mean Lunation Length, which was also used by Ptolemy and handed down from much earlier, which is still very accurate: ca. 29.530594 days vs. a present value of 29.530589 days. - This difference of only 0.0000005, or five millionths of a day, adds up to about only 4 hours since Babylonian times! This calendar then notes the scientific lunar conjunction time length (hence: fairly closely reflecting the ACTUAL NEW MOON AND BEGINNING OF THE LUNAR MONTHS) for the 1st day of each month, and so it doesn't just add non-existent days to the prior month, nor is it removing actual existing days (one or even more) from the start of every lunar month; but the sighted sliver/crescent Karaite calendar does so, being contrary and in error. (However: The modern Hebrew/Israeli calendar does at times use a postponement rule, which causes a digression of a day from the creation lunar calendar, which myself and others are not pleased with, as then it's also not in accord, for example, with the literal day that Yom Kippur should be on. But it's still closer to the creation lunar calendar than the Karaite is; even though it is using a Mean Conjunction calculation verses an Astronomical Conjunction.)

So if we know the exact time why should one still bother to go out and look for the moon at its appointed time? Various reasons why: What if the calculations were lost during some time period or anther in Biblical times; or what if the copy of the calculations one had might have been copied wrong. And since the observance of Rosh Chodesh involves the moon phase, seeing the moon is a part of that celebration. Yet: Sighting/confirming the New-Moon does NOT change the starting 1st days of the created lunar months! Part of some peoples misunderstanding of this is perhaps based on interjecting too much notion into what the Rabbinic literature says:

"…While the early Mishnah writings talks about 'witnesses', it doesn't specifically 100% say that their account is necessarily ADDING non-existent days to the prior month, nor SUBTRACTING days of YHVH's set lunar creation month -(but that is not so with the later Tal. Tractate commentary however). In the Mishnah (Not counting where it says: "when time was lacking for the ceremony...the following day became the new moon..."); the text does seems to indicate that the literal actual Mean Conjunction date itself is also 'sanctified'; as we read @ Rosh HaShannah 2:7/(Neusner): "...c.) Whether it appears in the expected time or does not appear in the expected time, they sanctify it. d.) R. Eleazar b. R. Sondoq says, "If it did NOT appear in the expected time, they do NOT sanctify it, FOR HEAVEN HAS ALREADY DECLARED IT SANCTIFIED." - Which R.Ele. in saying indicates that yet it IS sanctified if it is "in the expected time"...and so... speaks of a backwards marker of the day of the month, NOT a forward 1st of the month whenever it happens to be sighted - one, two (a week?!) later! - But in looking at this: I don't see anything, from Mishnah (which is a close to Biblical era Rabbinic writing), that says a month will not begin until a human has sighted a sliver - and it seems to even imply that by their witness they testify that a new/dark moon HAD happened. FURTHERMORE: Besides the fact there is NO Sanhedrin operating in this capacity in Israel today; the methods we have recorded for various groups, such as the Sadducees, Qumran, and the neo-Kararites, don't even agree 100% amongst themselves. – But what we DO have is the simple plain clear Peshat Mitzvout of Torah, which are made of no effect if the traditions of man ignore the actual physical New Moons starting the months that YHVH built into creation (and so then also violating the 15th day Moadim which are also built into the very fabric of creation in a set-time, immovable in the lunar calendar months.) In the later post Temple/Biblical-era there are a few comments in the Talmudic Tractate commentary to Mishnah Rosh HaShannah that indicate a next day was used, if it was deemed possible the moon could also have appeared on that day; but even then there's a statement (Speaking of the 29th days of Adar & Elul): "...If, however, the court sanctified the moon at the conclusion of the twenty-ninth day, as we have explained, and the messengers heard the court pronounce it sanctified..." - And being as that lunar months are 29.5 days long, and with them recorded here as having sanctifying the 29th day of a 29 day month, it would seem to again indicate possibly a backwards confirmation - as a full sliver/crescent being seen on the 29th would not seem very likely at all. And even if they are adding in that case, they speak of having a cut-off of the last day a New Moon could possibly be seen (whether its seen or not). But keep in mind that much of the Talmudic Tractate commentary is also speaking on what was done post-Temple and post-Mishnah, and much of it too is commentary about times prior to the Hillel II calendar. And remember that we DO know that in King David's time they DID know BEFOREHAND when Rosh Chodesh was coming and was to be celebrated! - Is the modern Hebrew/Israeli calendar perfect in all regards? No; but it is far closer (even in using a Mean Conjunction calculation +X-hours, verses an Astronomical Conjunction) to reflecting the Biblical lunar creation calendar, than is the Karaite calendar method...which pretty much would never recognize a short 29 day in length lunar month, since they start counting with the sighted crescent (verses the x-hours past a Mean Conjunction calculation of the New-Moon, which the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar uses, and which does recognize fixed 29 & 30 day length months) ..."

Once again: The above Rabbinic commentary is just that – commentary. Some of it is concerning halacha that had developed centuries after the destruction of the Temple, when the Talmud(s) were written down. If, (or even when), they ‘added days’ to the fixed months, after sighting a sliver-crescent moon, in the centuries following 70 A.D. (or even if they did that before before that time); that is not our primary consideration in these matters….For one thing we know for sure is that they ceased doing that after the time of Hillel II with the calendar we still have today. HOWEVER: As we've seen, the Tanakh clearly shows that they DID know exactly when Rosh Chodesh was and when to celebrate it BEFORE it happened! – And Tanakh/(Scripture) alone is our PRIMARY source, standard, and guide in all matters. Now some commentary says that the reason they knew BEFOREHAND during King David’s time, but that then the situation later changed, was due to YHVH changing the planetary alignment later during King Hezekiah’s reign -(when the sundial shadow return backward ten degrees – 2Ki.20:9-11). Now while that is an interesting thought, that is STILL COMMENTARY! We don’t know if that is a factual reason or not, and there’s nothing in Tanakh/(Scripture) to say that was the reason that ‘supposedly’ they now no longer knew the correct time beforehand, nor is there anything that suggests the fixed rotation of the moon around the earth changed when the sundial returned backwards 10 degrees – that’s all speculation, and I might add that suggested reason given in commentaries is merely an excuse; why? – Because one very logical assumption is that the various factions/groups, that had formed from the Maccabean time on, were arguing and posturing in and out of the Sanhedrin to position themselves into a place of authority and self-importance, with each of their groups trying to impose their methods on determining the Modaim, calendar, and observances for the House of Israel! – Much like what we’re seeing today happening from various groups in the Messianic/Hebrew-roots movement! – And actually that premise can be demonstrated when one examines all of the various writings of these early factions/groups, and their disagreements, regarding their individual calendars and methods of determining the Moadim. – And so it appears this is also sadly happening today! 

– NOW: The good news is, that following the destruction of the Temple later on when Hillel II started the calendar that Israel used thereafter and on till today, we now have a method that is being used by MOST Jewish people and Messianic groups, that is actually fairly accurate to the actual Rosh Chodesh literal/conjunction moon. – And as mentioned earlier: While it uses a Mean Conjunction Scientific calculation for determining the 1st of the months (with the exception of when the Postponement rule is used), instead of an Astronomical Conjunction, and even though it then sets the time forward just over 17 hours from that Mean Conjunction for the start of Rosh Chodesh, yet this most often gives us a 1st of the month within about a 24 hour window, give or take, from the actual event. – Far more accurate the the Kararite movement is doing (which can end up quite far removed from the actual Rosh Chodesh); and so I’d note the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar is more in line with the plain Peshat reading of Scripture in these matters, and since it is using a fixed Rosh-Chosesh (verses a floated sighting) it is also more in align with the fact Scripture very clearly says they KNEW BEFOREHAND the day of Rosh Chodesh and when to celebrate it. 

– So again, to conclude and restate this point: Short of getting everyone in the world to agree to some sort of an Astronomical Conjunction calendar: The modern Hebrew/Israeli calendar is the closest we have today to the Biblical lunar calendar YHVH intended. And since that is also the norm and what is in use by most today, that is what we should stick with for our observances, so as to be in a timely accord wherever we may be. – Now if someone wants to also use another method for themselves (even if that minority method is in error), fine – let they do so. – BUT: I’d suggest that they don’t slight and ignore the literal readings of Scripture and the Conjunction moons and those who go by them…which includes those of us who go by the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar, since most of the time that calendar aligns in that way as well. – Don’t cause division with your trying to impose your minority stances on the Body of Messiah in issues of this nature, even if you feel your stances are right (whether you’re right or not)…Perhaps consider your keeping of “both” – your personal tradition, along with celebrating the Moadim with the rest of the Body who’s not following what you’re doing. – REGARDLESS: May this cease to be an issue of spiritual pride and confusion!

[NOTE: While many would like you to believe that the neo-Karaites are “directly” from the original Sopherim &/or the Sadducees; yet the Karaism movement didn’t really begin to solidify until the 4th Century A.D. & later, one of its main premises being an anti-Pharisee party. While some of their writings are interesting in their debates against the Rabbis, some others are obviously wrong in their understanding of Torah. – For example: The debate with the Pharisee/Rabbinic Jews in saying that Torah forbids a fire to burn over into Shabbat (hence their adding to the plain command of Torah to only refrain from “kindling” a fire on Shabbat) so that they (the Karaism) would sit in the dark in their homes and Synagogues on Shabbat.-(See more on this in the Kararite Anthology / Yale Press; and in Rabbinic commentary on the Karaism.) – HOWEVER: At this point you might want to be asking yourself: Why would a small group of obscure Jews, who DENY that Yeshua is the Messiah, be so interested in establishing Messianic’s halacha, observances, and even in trying to tell you what the New Testament Scriptures should actually mean, according to them. – MORE importantly: WHY WOULD YOU EVEN LET THEM?!]

One will see for different reasons/situations a Rosh Chodesh II sometimes in the current Hebrew/Israeli calendar too; but what one will NOT see are those moving around YHVH’s 1st days of the months like some kind of a 'three-shell-Monte'! Blowing a shofar at the sighting of a sliver-crescent moon on the closing of Rosh Chodesh as a confirmation of the prior New-Moon is one thing; but anyone falsely thinking that they can move YHVH’s ordained and established Moadim for the entire world, based on some small groups traditions they alone are using, is another!

From now on whenever you see the moon, my hope is you may see it a little less obscured by the clouds of confusion, as we contemplate what HaAdonai YHVH Elohim speaks to us in His Word…

Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the BEGINNING OF YOUR MONTHS, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your Elohim/(God): I am YHVH/(the LORD) your Elohim/(God)." – Numbers 10:10.



ROSH CHODESH (New Moon) - & on Rosh Chodesh I & II -

ECLIPSES: Rosh Chodesh & 15th Day Moadim -

Yom-HaTeruah / Day Of Trumpets - Rosh Chodesh (7th month)-Tishrei 1 / Rosh HaShanah - 

This article also contains some related material ~ Some Thoughts On The Issue Of Calendars:

This note attached to this photo also contains some related material ~ THE END OF THE AGE/DAYS…Where Are We At? ~ Where Are We Headed?...END-TIME EVENTS, SIGNS, & TRIBULATION-TIMELINE COMPLIED FACTS:

This note attached to this photo also contains some related material ~ CHART OF COMING 'SIGNS IN THE SKY':


NASA: Phases of the Moon: 2001 to 2025

NASA Eclipse Web Site


2013 April 25 — Partial Eclipse of the Moon

2013 May 9-10 — Annular Eclipse of the Sun

2013 May 25 — Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon

2013 Oct. 18-19 — Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon 

2013 Nov. 03 — Total Eclipse of the Sun


2014 April 15 — Total Eclipse of the Moon

2014 April 29 — Annular Eclipse of the Sun

2014 Oct. 8 — Total Eclipse of the Moon

2014 Oct. 23 — Partial Eclipse of the Sun


2015 March 20 — Total Eclipse of the Sun 

2015 April 4 — Total Eclipse of the Moon

2015 Sept. 13 — Partial Eclipse of the Sun

2015 Sept. 28 — Total Eclipse of the Moon


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    יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
    יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו
    אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ

    יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם

    ישוע המשיח הוא יה

    And Yeshua answered him, The first of all the commandments is, ¶ Hear, O Israel: YHVH our God YHVH is One: And thou shalt love YHVH thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. - And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. (Deut. 6:4-5 & Mark 12:29-31)